Friday, July 1, 2011

Off Subject

This will not happen too often but since football is in a hiatus right now and I haven't posted in a while, I figure I would throw something different out there. So, I decided to kind of make people think about July 4th.

For instance, do you know that one of the major reasons the colonies decided to cede from England and therefore start the revolutionary war was the fact that King Edward was removing more governing abilities of the colonies. Now, the colonies always answered to the crown but England (due to the distance) allowed them to govern themselves somewhat. As the crown took more and more power the colonies grew more impatient.

An even bigger thing to think about is the fact that one of the major issues the colonies had with England and the King was the fact that our suppressors were going to require the colonies to borrow money and pay interest on that money from the Reserve Bank in London. Thomas Jefferson himself said “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Benjamin Franklin himself listed this idea of borrowing their money as one of the major reasons for the start of the revolution.

So, think about these two things...Power being removed from the colonies and the idea of paying for your countries currency from a bank...sounds kind of like the US Government removing powers from the states (via health care, marriage laws, and excessive taxation) and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Crazy huh? To think in 1775 we started a war over these things (plus others) and in 1913 and 2011 we are doing exactly what we didn't want to do.

By the way...the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Democrat Woodrow Wilson and we all know about Democrat Obama's laws removing decision making abilities of the states by health care and various other items.

God Bless the Pittsburgh Steelers!

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